50+ years ago, the only marketers that needed to be concerned with gamers were the ones employed by Atari or their hopeful competitors. Like advanced TV, the gaming industry has seen explosive growth and extreme consumer fragmentation. Gamers today have access to hundreds of thousands of games, accessible from a number of devices, both at home or out and about. As the demographic diversity of gamers continues to evolve and expand, marketers need to better understand and connect with this audience. This is not limited to just marketers of gaming products and services. All consumer facing industries need to understand their buyer’s media consumption habits, as the trends of cross-device gaming, gamification and esports continue to evolve.

Not all gamers are programmed the same

The lack of industry research available on this key audience is limiting the ability for marketers to understand whether gamers are important for their brand, and if so, the ideal methods to best engage them. The Cognitive Sciences Department at AnalyticsIQ has been studying gamer behavior for years and has just completed our most comprehensive analysis of gamer behavior yet. This analysis covers topics ranging from device preference, quantity of devices, game categories, and common times of day for gaming. Understanding a gamers behavior as it relates to the activity itself is interesting and useful. Our previous research in the gaming industry unlocked insights into casual vs. hardcore gamers, as well as the difference between mobile and console gamers. This analysis becomes much more actionable, especially for the broader set of use cases, when combined with consumer data that covers a broad range of topics.

“Latina women demonstrate the greatest increase in gaming frequency among all race groups.”

AnalyticsIQ, Video Gaming Behavior Research Report

Everything from employment status, to demographics like race and age, and even their reasons for playing video games is included in this rich new analysis. Our research continues to uncover that clichés about gamers are much more outdated than the market would have anticipated.

Power up gamer engagement with data

Our analysis focused on getting a full view of these players as individuals. With a large, nationwide of adult gamers included in the study, the ability to go deeper with confidence unlocked huge insights. Our PeopleCore dataset, allows us to look past the console and evaluate more attributes which paint the full picture:

  • Generational comparisons
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Employment status
  • Occupation
  • Device preferences
  • Game categories

To learn more about how data can unlock new ways to connect with gaming audiences, check out the full Research Report: Video Gaming Behavior. If you would like to learn more about how AnalyticsIQ is creating new and better data assets on gaming audiences today, visit our Gaming page to access a number of resources. Looking for a partner to strategize on a specific use case? Please reach out to us at sales@analyicsiq.com. We love collaborating on new ways data can serve as a solution to complex challenges. Let’s talk!