AnalyticsIQ’s new analysis examining social gamers is now available.

Recent years have seen the world of gaming undergo a remarkable transformation. Gaming has transformed from a niche group of enthusiasts into a mainstream form of entertainment. Social gaming specifically has attracted millions of players from every background. The Cognitive Sciences Department at AnalyticsIQ dove deeper into the expanding gaming community of social gamers to shed some light on a diverse population engaged in social gaming.


What are Social Gaming?

A simple definition for social gaming refers to the act of playing video games in an interactive and social context. Multiplayer experiences and online platforms have led the way for this global phenomenon that transcends cultural, geographical, and socio-economic boundaries.

From casual mobile games to immersive online worlds, social gaming encompasses a wide range of genres and platforms, catering to a diverse array of player preferences within the gaming market.

Non-social gamers are gamers that prefer to play independently. They are motivated simply by the challenge a gaming experience can offer or as a fun way to relax alone. In our analysis, we compare social gamers against both challenge and fun-focused gamers. Their distinctions extend far beyond their gaming motivations.

~63% of adult gamers play with other people.

Exploding Topics

The Myth of the Stereotypical Gamer

Gone are the days when the gaming environment and gamers themselves were thought of as introverted individuals confined to bedrooms. The stereotype of the “typical gamer” is rapidly fading away, replaced by the realization for many that social gamers come from all walks of life.

This research report delves into various aspects of diversity in the social gaming community, showing gamers as multifaceted. To get a clearer picture of those engaged in gaming, we looked at several factors:

  • Gender
  • Age/Generation: Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers 
  • Education: HS Graduates, College Graduates
  • Employment & Household Income
  • Media Preferences beyond gaming, including social media platforms and TV viewership
  • Game Type Preferences: Shooter, Platform, Simulation, Player vs. Player
  • Frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Less
  • Reasons for Gaming: Enjoyment, Escapism, Skill Building, Socialization

Social gamers have an annual household income of $108,030, higher than the U.S. average.

-AnalyticsIQ Social Gamer Research Report 2023.

Comparing Social Gamers vs. Non-Social Gamers

In addition, we looked at social gamers versus for fun and for challenge gamers in each category. Unsurprisingly, younger generations of social gamers were more likely to take their relationship beyond the gaming world and meet in real life. The demographic profiles of social gamers versus other types of gamers are distinct. The types of games they play are also aligned with their profiles, which shows how certain games are ideal for more social engagement.

Social gamers prefer TikTok, while gamers focused on fun prefer LinkedIn, and challenge-seekers prefer Facebook.

-AnalyticsIQ Social Gamer Research Report 2023.

Unsurprisingly, differences in game platforms or devices reflect changes in games. Social gamers use Nintendo and Playstations primarily, while challenge seekers use their PC, and fun-seeking gamers use Nintendo and Xbox. 

A Complete View of Gamers

If your strategy hinges on reaching gamers effectively, a full view of the gaming community and their behaviors is required. AnalyticsIQ has conducted multiple analyses over the years examining the changing behavior of gamers. Check out a few resources below that review a specific angle of this dynamic and growing industry.

These insights provide real-life data to better predict engagement and future behaviors for this ever-growing community. If you would like to learn more about how AnalyticsIQ is creating new and better data assets on gaming audiences today, check out our Gaming page.

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