The political landscape is susceptible to constant change, and constant shifts in public opinion as a reaction to social issues, politicians’ actions, and current events. As a result, both political and non-political marketers have to continuously adapt their strategies to ensure they connect with their desired audience. 

At the same time, voters’ opinions are influenced by many non-political factors. At AnalyticsIQ, we have powered the creation of voter statistics that tell a richer story on constituents, ranging from liberal to conservative and everyone in between. We also analyzed the difference between voters and non-voters to identify key trends in behavior. This data both debunks outdated assumptions about political affiliation, and may clue marketers in to know what day-to-day factors impact decision-making during the political season

Voter statistics: Understanding Republicans, Democrats and Independents Behavior

Educational background, family, and occupation are just a few factors that affect citizens’ opinions when it comes to their political beliefs. Let’s dive into these predicted voter statistics to see what are the major differences are between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents:

Household income and financial behaviors

  1. On average, voters are likely have a household income approximately 41% higher than the general population.
  2. Democrats are 15% more likely to invest in cryptocurrency than the general population.
  3. Republicans are 20% less likely to utilize mobile wallets than the general population.
  4. Democrats are 84% more likely to use ‘buy now pay later’ options compared to the general population.
  5. Republicans are 20% more likely to make donations by mail than the general population.

Homelife and shopping behaviors

  1. Voters are 24% more likely to be married compared with the general population.
  2. Voters are 13% less likely to have children living in their homes than the average household.
  3. Voters are 53% less likely to be highly spontaneous compared to the general population.
  4. Republicans are 68% less likely to use online grocery pickup than the general population.
  5. Democrats are 94% more likely to shop at Sephora than the general population.
  6. Voters are 36% more likely, and Republicans are 87% more likely, to have high job satisfaction than the general population.

Vehicle ownership

  1. Safety first! Democrats are 54% more likely to consider safety as a top factor when shopping for a vehicle.
  2. Democrats are 65% less likely to own a minivan.
  3. Republicans are 95% more likely to own a minivan, and 120% more likely to drive a truck.
  4. Democrats are 56% more likely to be interested in carpooling than the general population.

Sports affinity 

  1. Not a fan. Democrats are 18% less likely to be baseball fans, 16% less likely to watch either football or hockey, and 21% less likely to watch golf when compared to the general population.
  2. Independents are sports fans! 13% more likely to watch football, 16% more likely to watch golf, and 16% more likely to watch hockey than the average person.


  1. Voters are 45% less likely to visit an ER compared with the general population.
  2. Republicans are 86% less likely to use telemedicine services.
  3. Dental health wins. Voters are 54% more likely to have regular dentist appointments compared with the general population.
  4. Progressive voters are 52% more likely to be interested in elective cosmetic surgery, and 56% more likely to be highly interested in beauty products.
  5. Voters are 58% less likely to experience high levels of stress compared to an average citizen.
  6. Democrats are 102% more likely to eat meat alternatives regularly.

AnalyticsIQ data powers the creation of all the political marketing statistics referenced in this article. Any comparisons that show a comparative lift or decrease in behavior (EX: X% more likely) are predictions that are compared against the general population.

Want to dig in deeper on political audiences, or gain a better understanding of how your audience feels about the political landscape? Check out our Politics page to access additional resources. Our team loves collaborating on how our data can solve problems, so reach out to us at We speak geek so let’s talk!

People illustrations by Storyset