When it comes to health and wellness, each individual has an approach as unique as they are that can evolve over the course of their life. From routinely exercising and eating clean to rarely making it to the gym and hardly ever skipping dessert, we all fall somewhere within this health and wellness spectrum.

Recognizing the wide range of attitudes and behaviors of consumers, we saw an opportunity to blend our rich data and powerful cognitive research capabilities to help companies who are focused on improving the lives of others uncover more about today’s modern consumer – and even today’s modern patient. So, our Cognitive Psychology Department set out to understand how different individuals navigate health and wellness over the course of their lives and what drives those outcomes.

“The way people prioritize and manage their health continues to evolve. Ten years ago, people weren’t dabbling in CBD to manage their stress, having Zoom meetings with the doctor or breaking a sweat on their cycle with hundreds of others from the comfort of their living room. Now they are, “ states Scarlett Shipp, Chief Product Officer at AnalyticsIQ. “Healthcare marketers need fresh, human-centric insights if they want to keep pace with consumers. Our personas can help spark real connections.”

Once we began digging into the data and uncovering valuable insights, it was hard to stop. The end result? Four overarching Health & Wellness Personas created from the intersection of actions (adherence vs avoidance) and attitudes (enthusiasm vs indifference) further broken down into 48 underlying segments based on age and gender capturing the entire un health and wellness lifecycle for both males and females.

Our four personas – Care Plan Conformists, Wellness Strivers, Well-being Bystanders, and Conscious Resisters – help us to articulate the unmatched lifestyle and mentality of the people within each group. Companies who better understand how their prospective patients prioritize health while also identifying potential risks to adherence have the power to launch cost-effective, privacy-compliant marketing that inspires action. We believe that when marketers can truly get at the hearts and minds of the audience they are trying to serve, there are unparalleled opportunities for both sides.

Ready to get started in unlocking the potential of our Health & Wellness Personas? Download our complete guide today to learn more.