In an industry as uniquely diverse and important as insurance, it is imperative that both consumers and providers stay up to date with the latest trends and evolutions. And after a year as extraordinary as 2020, major shifts in this traditional industry are becoming clear and can no longer be ignored.

But which trends should be taken seriously, and which can be considered a flash in the pan? In order to answer that question and more, we’ve done what we do best at AnalyticsIQ – diving headfirst into the data!

Inside our new eBook, you’ll learn about some of the hottest, real-world trends shifting the insurance industry landscape along with specific AnalyticsIQ data points that will allow you to capitalize.

If the suspense is too much for you to bear, here is a sneak peek of just some of the trends you’ll find in our eBook:

  • Forget one-size-fits-all policies – usage-based insurance is the future
  • Even though the housing market is booming, America is becoming a renter-ship nation
  • Demand for travel insurance has skyrocketed as pent-up travelers begin to venture out again

Ready to see the rest of the trends and that data available to help you respond? Download the complete Insurance Trends Carriers Can’t Ignore eBook here.