Connection+ Delivers the Richest Source of Real-Time B2B2C Linkage Data Including Over a Thousand Attributes at the Business, Professional and Personal Level

ATLANTA, GA, USA, November 7, 2022 / — AnalyticsIQ today announced the launch of its business-to-consumer linkage solution, Connection+. B2B organizations can now access the richest source of B2B2C linkage data, especially ideal for identifying micro- and small- businesses and the people behind them, both as professionals and consumers.

Powered by AnalyticsIQ’s two robust databases, PeopleCore and BusinessCore, brands can unlock predictive, contextual profiles of both businesses and their decision makers in real-time. The Connection+ solution delivers:

  • Accurate, Scalable Linkage – Connection+ includes 102.7 million professionals of which 62 million are linked to a consumer profile, and growing.
  • High Match Rates – On average, Connection+ can identify 80%+ of small businesses by applying a superior matching methodology using a wider range of possible identifying factors.
  • Predictive Data – Clients can leverage any of AnalyticsIQ’s 1500+ unique business, professional and consumer attributes for additional insights and better modeling.
  • Real-Time Identification – With API capabilities, B2B users can instantly identify customers and prospects to offer them personalized products, services and experiences.

Serving small businesses successfully is especially key for many B2B organizations. As the U.S. Small Business Administration reports, 99.7% of all businesses are small businesses and the fastest growing ones are those with 50 or fewer employees. If B2B brands can meet the needs of these small companies early on, supplying everything from capital to insurance coverage to software, the long-term opportunity is a massive revenue upside.

Curtis Marshall, SVP of Business Data Partnerships at AnalyticsIQ states, “Marketing teams across our early adopter clients are using the Connection+ data for better targeting and cross-selling. Product leaders are launching profitable, innovative solutions that leverage real-time identification. And data science teams are creating sophisticated models that are driving significant lift in performance upwards of 40% improvement,” Marshall shares.

To learn more about Connection+ and the depth of AnalyticsIQ’s B2B2C linkage data, visit