As a marketer, you are always on the lookout for ways to gain insights into consumer behavior to tailor your marketing strategies. Understanding consumer spending patterns is one such way that can give you a competitive edge in targeting your audience more...
Marketing practices continue to change, seemingly at a faster pace every year. For brands to remain customer-centric, competent, and relevant, they must adapt. As 2023 comes to a close, this an ideal time for marketers to reflect on the past, learn from the highs and...
The gaming world is flourishing. It’s more than just a game of Mario Kart. The billion-dollar industry is now taking on new angles and advertising opportunities through VR (virtual reality) hardware and games, eSports, and even eSports betting. But, up until now,...
AnalyticsIQ’s new analysis examining social gamers is now available. Recent years have seen the world of gaming undergo a remarkable transformation. Gaming has transformed from a niche group of enthusiasts into a mainstream form of entertainment. Social gaming...
50+ years ago, the only marketers that needed to be concerned with gamers were the ones employed by Atari or their hopeful competitors. Like advanced TV, the gaming industry has seen explosive growth and extreme consumer fragmentation. Gamers today have access to...