As a marketer, you are always on the lookout for ways to gain insights into consumer behavior to tailor your marketing strategies. Understanding consumer spending patterns is one such way that can give you a competitive edge in targeting your audience more...
Using Data for Good has been a consistent priority for AnalyticsIQ since day one. We have proudly donated our data free of charge to several leading colleges and universities across the country for educational use in the classroom as part of our University Partner...
Marketing practices continue to change, seemingly at a faster pace every year. For brands to remain customer-centric, competent, and relevant, they must adapt. As 2023 comes to a close, this an ideal time for marketers to reflect on the past, learn from the highs and...
Last year, AnalyticsIQ boldly unveiled groundbreaking research that delved into one of the most enigmatic figures in society – none other than Santa Claus himself. Our claim? Santa, otherwise known as Kris Kringle, is a data scientist. Brimming with confidence in our...
At AnalyticsIQ, good isn’t really good enough for us. We want to fuel your marketing strategies with better data that hits all the right notes so you can target the right audience. So, when it comes to research, we carry out an extensive audience validation process to...
The gaming world is flourishing. It’s more than just a game of Mario Kart. The billion-dollar industry is now taking on new angles and advertising opportunities through VR (virtual reality) hardware and games, eSports, and even eSports betting. But, up until now,...