In our third episode of Winning with Data, your host and our favorite Chief Data Scientist, Gregg Weldon, dives into the hot new variables we have rolled out this quarter. To hear all the juicy details from Gregg, check out the quick video here.

To quickly highlight, we have rolled out…

  • New and Improved Lifestyle Variables like:
    • Lifestyle: Senior Adult in Household, Length of Residence
    • Pets: Cat Owners, Dog Owners, Pet Owners, Other Pet Owners
    • Professionals: African American Professionals, Career Improvement, Hispanic Professionals
    • Spending:  Craft & Hobbies Merchandise Buyers,  Gardening Fans, Home & Garden, Plus-sized Women’s Apparel, Religious Magazines
    • Sports Enthusiasts: Aerobic Exercise, Auto & Motorcycle Racing Spectators, Boating & Sailing Fans Golf Fans, Hunting Fans, Motorcycling Fans, NASCAR Fans, Running & Jogging
    • Travel: Domestic Travel, International Travel

Not only have we re-validated this data for improved accuracy, but we have also taken many of these variables to the next level. Instead of being simple yes/no fields (Gregg owns a dog… yes or no), we have scored individuals on these variables from 1 to 7. (1 would mean Gregg is allergic to dogs. 7 means his dog has its own wardrobe.)

To recap, nearly all of these audiences are now available as:

  • Yes/No Variables
  • 1 to 7 Scores
  • Zip +4 Percentages

With all of these options, clients have incredible flexibility for targeting and also richer ingredients available for building predictive models.  If you have any questions about our PeopleCore data and how our new variables can positively impact your organization, don’t hesitate to reach us at