In the age of on-demand television and an ever-growing list of streaming service providers like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+, marketers and brands are “tuning in” to TV streaming trends and the way consumers watch and engage with television more than ever. Streaming services have officially taken the center stage and fundamentally altered the way consumers consume media and how brands connect with their desired target audiences. Navigating these changes, especially in a market that is becoming more saturated with each year, can be challenging for both viewers and the marketers hoping to reach them.

That is where predictive data comes in.

To gain a better understanding of how streaming services are changing the way consumers engage with media, the Cognitive Sciences team here at AnalyticsIQ surveyed a group of U.S. adults to better understand what influences them to choose certain streaming services, how they engage with advertising shared on these platforms, and other pertinent information surrounding television viewership behaviors.

Ready to get this show on the road? Let’s get into it!




From Cable-Cutting to the Rise of Streaming Services

Streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Amazon Prime have transformed from mere content providers to central hubs of entertainment for millions of viewers. According to AnalyticIQ’s latest research, a staggering 96% of U.S. adults have watched television in the last three months, underscoring the enduring ubiquity of TV in American households. Moreover, the average monthly expenditure on television and video streaming services stands at $89.38, reflecting the significant investment consumers make in their viewing experiences.

  • The Big Three: According to their findings, consumers reported that Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, are the top three most popular streaming services, with 61% of respondents reporting the watched television on Netflix within the last three months, 59% on Amazon, and 47% on Hulu.

Unlike traditional TV, which relies heavily on broad demographics and scheduled programming, streaming services provide granular data on viewer habits. This precision allows for more targeted and effective advertising strategies, ensuring that brands can connect with consumers in a meaningful way.

The Role of Predictive Data in Streaming Advertising

Understanding who your audience is, as well as when they watch television and why, is a huge step towards creating messaging and campaign that has your brand’s desired impact. Predictive data allows brands and marketers to segment their audience with remarkable precision. By analyzing factors such as viewing habits, preferred genres, and platform preferences, marketers can identify not just who their audience is, but also the specific contexts in which they consume content.

For example, AnalyticIQ’s research shows that 74% of survey takers recommended a TV program or movie to someone else in the last three months, with younger generations and women being more likely to share recommendations. Insights like these can help marketers tailor their messaging to have the desired impact they are looking for.




A Peek into the Report

The new TV Streaming Behaviors report dives into some of the most important insights our team gathered from their survey and pre-existing data points. In this report you will find:

  • Likelihood of Watching Television: Predicts how inclined a consumer is to watch traditional TV versus streaming platforms, allowing brands to allocate their advertising budgets more effectively.
  • Engagement with Streaming Ads: Estimates the probability that a viewer will interact with ads on streaming services, helping brands optimize ad placements for maximum impact.
  • Generational Viewing Patterns: Highlights differences in TV and streaming consumption across age groups, enabling targeted campaigns that speak directly to each generation’s preferences.
  • And more!

Interested in learning more about how streaming services are impacting the way consumers engage with media and gaining key insights into TV viewership behavior?




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