Why AnalyticsIQ should be part of your identity strategy.
If you are interested in using our on-demand digital audiences starting today, check out our Partners page for a full list of the data, analytics and ad tech platforms where you can access AnalyticsIQ’s audiences 24/7.

Identity Data
The smallest bits of data can make the biggest impact.
When you recognize your audience, your marketing becomes addressable, personalized and measurable, and your data science and analytical power dramatically increases. Our national consumer database and business database covers nearly everyone in the country and includes key identifiers like name, hashed email, phone and more.
Create a unified profile of your audience.
Build a single, data-rich view of your customers and prospects, no matter the time or place. Not only does our linkage data include offline and online data points, but our Connection+ B2B2C linkage is unparalleled. No other company comes close in their ability to combine personal and professional data, especially for those individuals leading fast growing companies.

Increase in matches to the brand’s identity provider.
Real Success
Membership brand boosts match rates by nearly 50%.
A national brand wanted to find more of their members across the digital ecosystem. AnalyticsIQ’s hashed email (HEM) and phone linkage data immediately delivered a 49% boost in matches to the brand’s ID provider.
Identity Data
We’ll let our data do the talking.
Our data linkage and matching capabilities include both online & offline identifiers.
We’ve also curated B2B2C linkage data that ties everyday people to their professional lives.
Unbiased third-parties continually rate AnalyticsIQ as a leader in data validity.
Designed with a privacy-first approach, we respect and protect consumer & brand data.
In addition to one-time matches, we can support API-driven initiatives.
Once we identify an individual, append any of our 1500+ attributes.
Discover our connected solutions.
PeopleCore for B2C Intelligence
Tap into the power of the most comprehensive, predictive national marketing database… learn more
BusinessCore for B2B Intelligence
Understand companies and their key decision makers with our business marketing database… learn more
Connection+ for B2B2C Linkage
Accurately tie growing businesses to the everyday people who lead them with rich linkage data... learn more

Capture a full audience view. Any time. Any place.
See how AnalyticsIQ can complete your customer view with our unique suite of identity intelligence and linkage solutions.