
Become Your Customers’ Go-To Travel Companion

The game has changed. It’s not enough to simply buy and target the right search keywords. To compete in a meaningul way, you have to understand the person behind the booking. Is this a business traveler focused on connecting with a new client? Or it is an exhausted young parent looking for a much needed moment away? AnalyticsIQ’s data helps connect the dots.


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Product Sheet

TravelIQ data guides travel marketers to their next best guest.

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Case Study

Segmentation leads to improved communication with vacationers

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Research Report

Understanding Modern Travel Trends

automotive consumer driving car
woman and baby inside vehicle
man searching for automotive data solutions on his phone

Travel Across Devices

Today’s travelers rely on many devices while planning their next trip. To succeed in this cross-screen age, focus on real people – not cookies or disparate IDs. At AnalyticsIQ, our data is grounded in the real world. Reach them before they pack their bags while they are on their mobile device, laptop, or in front of the TV. Focusing on people – not devices – frees up your data to empower a cross-screen strategy, getting ads in front of your customers, no matter what device or platform they’re currently using.

Create Personalized Campaigns

One size does not fit all when it comes to travel. The travel experience someone is looking for is based on a multitude of factors and motivations. Some consumers want the best value possible while others demand nothing but luxury from the moment they step out the front door. Using AnalyticsIQ’s data, you can show future guests you have exactly what they’re looking for by creating campaigns and content that match their behaviors, motivations and lifestyle, perfectly.

Identify InMarket Travelers

Marketing is all about timing. If your message is too early or too late, you miss out on opportunities to appear on the itinerary. AnalyticsIQ helps you get your timing just right, by pinpointing people who are already planning a trip.

Think you know Travelers?

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Travel Credit Card holders have a net worth over double the US average
car shopping automotive consumer data
automotive consumers family icon
Domestic travelers are 7X less likely to suffer from depression

Meet the person behind the booking

Connect with your next best guest.