
Changing the World isn’t Business as Usual

Turn Supporter Passion into Action with Data.

Belief is a powerful thing. It unites communities, inspires conversation, and spurs action. But beliefs, and those that hold them, are unique. That means if you want to connect with people who not only believe in your cause, but will take action by donating, volunteering, or advocating, you need to understand the why. AnalyticsIQ data makes answering that difficult question possible, empowering you to do more good. Our team is passionate about working alongside non-profits, as true partners, to tackle complex challenges solvable by data. It’s just in our DNA – “Data for Good”.


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Case Study

AnalyticsIQ Data Helps Non-profit Connect with Donors Online

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Product Sheet

CharityIQ: Let Our Data Help You Do More

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DemoIQ Overview

Smart Marketing Starts with Knowing People at their Core.

on-profit members joining hands together
man on his phone checking nonprofits' data
a man hugging his daughter

Connect with Advocates and Allies

To maximize the impact of every dollar, you need to connect in ways that will incite action. Data powering personalization can be a game-changer, but only if you can apply it. Is this donor spontaneous or conscientious? Do they support a limited number of organizations or like many Gen Z contributors support lots of different causes? AnalyticsIQ data showcases supporters’ unique motivations and financial situation, helping you build relationships with new donors and turn one-time gifts into recurring contributions..

Choose the Right Channels

Four out of five non-profit marketing leaders agree that you need both social and traditional marketing to maximize member and donor engagement. The trick is identifying which channels will have the greatest impact for each name on your target list. AnalyticsIQ’s data shows you whether your supporters want to be reached in their inbox, the mailbox, or online, so you can engage with them meaningfully.

Build Predictive Models

Predictive analytics can empower better decision making, but the old adage is never more applicable- “garbage in – garbage out”. Using the wrong data can become not only a waste of analytics resources, but also of marketing dollars. AnalyticsIQ’s predictive data puts all the information you need about your supporters’ motivations and behavior at your fingertips, so you can build models that determine their lifetime value as a member and donor, as cost-effectively as possible.

Think you know Donors?

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Donors are 54% less likely to suffer from depression
non profit data analytics statistics
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Animal charity contributors are no more likely to own pets

Expand Your Impact with the Right Data Partner

Our passion for non-profit work shows in the results.