Consumer Packaged Goods

CPG Marketers Need High Quality Ingredients

Win Market Share when You Win Shopper Mind Share.

Whether you sell products online or off the shelf, competition for customer attention is fierce. In order to build and maintain a loyal base, you have to understand who’s on the other end of the transaction. Understanding a shopper’s lifestyle, habits and motivations for making a purchase are key to connecting with buyers. AnalyticsIQ gives you the unique, quality data ingredients necessary to build shopper marketing strategies that help you earn a spot in your customers’ shopping carts.


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Research Report

Impact of Inflation
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Product Sheet

Green Personas help Reach Today’s “Green Shoppers”

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Research Report

How Beliefs and Cognition Motivate “Green” Behavior

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smiling woman making handcrafts

Design Personalized Experiences

For today’s consumer, everything is about the experience. They care about the quality of your product, sure, but it’s equally important that your brand aligns with their values and interests. Using AnalyticsIQ’s data, you can design campaigns, packaging and interactions that really speak to them — turning skeptics into loyal customers.

Predict Buyer Behavior

The market is moving, and if you want to stay ahead of the curves, you have to adjust your marketing techniques to stay at the top of customers’ minds. AnalyticsIQ’s rich data empowers predictive modeling based on everything from past purchase behavior to lifestyle changes, to discretionary income, nearby retailers and more. High quality ingredients going into a model at the beginning result in better performance on the other end.

Target Your Buyers

Your products are used by real-life people. But with so much distance between you and the consumer, it can be difficult to truly understand who’s on the other end of the transaction, and what drove that purchase. AnalyticsIQ’s data enables you to see your customers clearly, going far beyond just purchase based data.

Think you know Shoppers?

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Target store shoppers are 50% more impulsive
cpg data insights about buyers
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Online shoppers are 53% more likely to have groceries delivered

High Quality Ingredients Deliver Better Results

Data-Driven Techniques to Empower CPG Marketing