Understand a Unique, Rapidly Expanding Audience

Approach Marketing Like Wellness: Naturally & Effectively

It’s no surprise that the health and wellness industry is a booming market. Health enthusiasts are constantly seeking out new and better products to keep their wellness in check: supplements, superfoods, fitness gear, and so much more. Now, you can add CBD to the list of alternative approaches consumers are seeking out on their unique wellness and lifestyle journey.

Not all CBD users look alike. In fact, they span across generations, locations, industries, and incomes. Broad marketing just won’t cut it. With AnalyticsIQ, you can use smart data to create personalized marketing segments and communicate with your ideal consumers effectively.


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White Paper

CBD: The Natural Wellness Movement Marketers Can’t Miss

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Product Sheet

CBD Audiences: Help consumers discover your brand

cbd products for dogs


Getting to Know CBD Users

cbd products for dogs
edible natural cannabidiol products
woman sitting by body of water

Be at the Right Place at the Right Time

With such a wide, varied audience, differences in how CBD users find products can make or break a marketing strategy. It’s important to know where your ideal audience is researching solutions to their discomfort. Data from AnalyticsIQ will help you identify your target audience, personalize your messaging, and offer the solution that fits their budget and lifestyle.

Spend Your Marketing Dollars Wisely

Some of your ideal customers are already looking for you. In fact, 2 out of 3 U.S. consumers are considering using CBD products in the future. The market is booming, and competition is heating up. It’s important to stand out. With CBD data from AnalyticsIQ, you can unlock valuable insights to maximize your media spend, streamline your strategies, and make every dollar work harder for you.

Get to Know Your Audience - Personally

As a marketer, you may already be aware of who buys your CBD products. But do you understand why they chose them? With AnalyticsIQ, you can tap into the pain points that lead your customers to you, and leverage that data to expand beyond your current loyal customers.

Think you know people interested in CBD ?

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Average income for CBD users is $107,200
cbd market data ideal consumers statistics
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2 out of 3 US consumers are considering using CBD products

Ride the Wave of Rising CBD Demand and Interest.

And earn new brand fans today.